Telehealth Services

To ensure our communities can continue to receive evidence-based treatment, My Total Family Health Care is proud to continue our Telehealth option for persons who would benefit from outpatient mental health and substance abuse services.

“Please know that you are not alone and we are here for you”

What is Telehealth?

Total Family Health Care Center provides various types of healthcare services using online digital technology, such as zooming by a healthcare professional to a patient who’s in a different location. Technology includes Videoconferencing, voice/telephone, email, text, streaming media, online patient portals and various healthcare apps Telehealth services allow patients to have appointments virtually with minimum in person office visits. It is done primarily online with internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
 Our clinicians can provide complete psychological services such as psychiatric evaluation, biopsychosocial assessment, Psychotherapy and medication management and support over the internet through email, video conferencing, online chat, or a phone call.
 Telehealth is one of the most active telemedicine applications rendered in the United States.

Mental health is particularly suited to the use of advanced communication technologies and the Internet for delivery of care. By using advanced  communication technologies, mental health professionals are able to widen their reach to clients in a cost-effective manner, ameliorating the mal-distribution of specialty care.

The Benefits of Telehealth?

Through telehealth, our patients can stay connected with their treatment teams and continue receiving highly specialized care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This virtual environment will allow patients and families to practice social distancing while continuing to prioritize their mental health. 

This is especially important now, with the increased anxiety, stress, and other symptoms many are experiencing during this unprecedented time. Telehealth can also be very helpful for individuals who have transportation difficulties or live in rural areas.

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